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Developer's DescriptionBy El Punt AvuiThe first sports newspaper in Catalan, has broken the spanish monopoly in this sector of the press and historical fills a gap between the media...The first sports newspaper in Catalan, has broken the spanish monopoly in this sector of the press and historical fills a gap between the media in the country, both the language and the approach to information based on the potential to highlight sport in Catalonia because our country has both top level players as a rich social and sports.L'Esportiu, el primer diari esportiu en catal, ha trencat el monopoli del castell en aquest sector de la premsa i omple un buit histric entre els mitjans de comunicaci del pas, tant pel que fa a l'idioma com per l'enfocament informatiu, basat en donar relleu a la potencialitat esportiva de Catalunya perqu el nostre pas disposa tant de protagonistes de primer nivell com d'un teixit social i esportiu molt ric.
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